Post-Run Recovery Modalities

March 4, 2013 16:52pm

If you are trying to find ways to stay injury- free during the training season here are a few great ways to do just that!
1. Foam roller work- rolling out tight muscles pre and/or post run is an excellent way to perform self massage between boughts of training. Foam rolling muscles such as the quads, hamstrings, calves, IT bands and shin muscles for a total of 5-10 minutes a day helps decrease muscle tone and break down  scar tissue within or between layers of muscle tissue.

2. Active isolated stretching (AI)- this should be performed 1 to 4 times daily for a total of 15-20 minutes. AI can be used in conjunction with foam rollering to reduce tone and tension in tight lower limb muscle and muscle around the hips. The key for AI is to actively contract the opposing muscle group to one you are looking to lengthen while you move the muscle tissue actively through its available range of motion. AI should be performed x 10 repetitions with a 2 secound hold for each muscle and done on both right and left sides.

3. The Stick: The stick (which is similar to a rolling pin) can be used to roll over tight and sore muscles and can be performed for 5 minutes or more daily.

3. Ice Bath: According to an article in Sweat Science and the British Journal of Sports Medicine, standing or kneeling in a bath or bucket of 14 degrees celcius cold water for 5-15 minutes has been found to reduce inflammation and soreness between training bouts. It is recommended ice baths be performed during the racing season only, and avoided during the training phase to optimize on the benefits of training during the build up to racing season.

4. Ice. An ice pack can be used to reduce pain, swelling and muscle soreness. Icing should be performed for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. Ice should never be placed directly on the skin. Try soaking a wash cloth and place it between the ice and the skin to improve conductivity of cold to the tissue.

5. Heat. Heat can be used to reduce tension and muscle spasm and is recommended 48 hours or more post injury for 10-15 minutes.

6. Pool Running- running in a deep pool with or without a foam running belt to maintain fitness and reduce load on the legs between  training sessions is a great way to get to the end of a season injury free! Try to keep your body upright and maintain your form to best simulate the demands placed on the body during running.